Sunday, June 12, 2011

Letter to Vessie Postelle from Francis Postelle May 28, 1961

Dear Mother

We returned from our trip on Friday nite.  This was a short trip in time but we covered quite a bit of ground.  We stayed overnight at Jasper, Georgia which is the place where your Great Grandfather Jeremiah Lambert spent the last 30 years or more of his life.  While we were at Jasper we met and had a nice visit with a second cousin of yours.  His name is Will Lambert and he is 75 years of age.  he is a watch tinkerer, spent all his life there and has repaired watches as a sideline.  Taught it to himself.  He had spent a lifetime as a stonemason.  He lives just about a mile from the fine deposit of Georgia Marble.  He had worked all his life with that beautiful marble.  He is the grandson of Joseph Lambert and Joseph was the brother of your Grandfather David Cagle Lambert.

Will Lambert gave us the name of a cousin of his in Ringold, Georgia and we drive about 75 miles to see her.  She too is 75 years old.  Her name is Mrs. Amy Cowart and her maiden name was Brannum.  Her mother and the father of Will Lambert are brother and sister.  So she too is your second cousin.  She has the bible which belonged to your great grandfather Jeremiah Lambert.  It is about 3 inches  thick and about 7 inches wide by 9 inches long.  I examined it very carefully and am convinced of its authenticity.  It had a lot of information in it of interest to me about the Lambert Family.  The bible was printed in 1829 by H & E Phinney Cooperstown NY  There was a note in it which said that it was bought about 1830 (who wrote this is uncertain).  Here are the entries:

  1. "Jeremiah Lambert and Sarah Lambert were married the 17th of February 1820
  2. Mary Panter Lambert was born the 6th of December 1820
  3. Elijah Lambert was born the 14th of June 1822
  4. David Cagle Lambert was born the 29th of April 1824
  5. John Lambert was born the 12h day of June 1826
  6. Wilson Lambert was born the 2nd day of March 1828
  7. William Jerry Lambert was born the 27th day of June 1830
  8. Joseph Lambert was born the 28th day of April 1832
  9. Sara Queen Lambert was born the 4th day of May 1834
  10. Rebecca Linzia Lambert was born the 21st day of September 1836
  11. Robert Lambert was born the 24th day of July 1838
  12. Samson Haygood Pinckney Lambert was born the 4th day of February 1840
  13. Clark Montgomery Lambert was born the 1st day of August 1842
  1. Elijah Lambert died the 25th day of August 1824
  2. Sara Queen Lambert died the 14th day of November 1838
  3. Robert Lambert died the 27th day of September 1838
  4. Clark Montgomery Lambert died the 28th day of April 1843
  5. Sara Cagle Lambert died the 14th day of October 1875
  6. Jeremiah Lambert died the 21st day of September 1879
Other information which Mrs. Amy Cowart had stated that Jeremiah Lambert was a Primitive Baptist Preacher.  This fits with other information which I have found.

Mrs. Cowart remembers visiting your grandfather David Cagle Lambert when she was a small girl about 8 or 9 years of age.  Her parents lived in Alabama and they visited your grandfather in Winston County about 1894 or 1895.  At that time she said he was living in one house and his wife was living in another a short distance away.

Found an appraisal of the property owned by Jeremiah Lambert at the time of his death.  Among other things he owned lot number 196 in the 12th District which consisted of 155 acres of land.  His son Joseph acquired most of his fathers things when they were sold by the administrator of the estate, Mr W R Allen on 3 May 1880.

Joseph Lambert died on 14 November 1913.  He was a staunch foe of slavery and he was in the Union Army.  He left instructions that he be buried with his head to the North.  His grave and that of his wife who is buried beside him are the only ones in the cemetery at County Line Church Cemetery in Pickens County, Georgia who face to the south.  All others face east as is normal.  The grand children of Joseph Lambert (Will Lambert and Mrs. Amy Cowart) both stated that Joseph gave the land for the church and cemetery.  This church is about 3 miles west northwest of Jasper and about a mile northeast of Philadelphia Church.

Pickens County is a pretty place, but it is a poor county for farming.  It is hilly and lots of timber.  The valleys are rich, however.  The hillsides are red clay where they are exposed.  The people are still very much rural.  Believe there were very few slaves there when the Civil War started.  It is unsuited to large scale farming.

Know you would have enjoyed seeing the country and visiting with the distant relatives.  Maybe you can sometime.

We are very pleased that you are continuing to do all the things that you are supposed to do.  And I know you will continue to get to feeling better if you will continue all the parts of your prescription.  I'm enclosing a card which you might find valuable to review at least once a week.  And above all things, continue to do all these things.

I am very much opposed to your trying to keep children there at home.  It would be too much for you.  But I do think that baby sitting for a few hours at a time would be a good thing for you.  You could build up a trade in a little while.  You must require that those for whom you babysit come and get you and return you home.  Dont take any assignment for more than a few hours at a time and dont take any assignments which would require that you do any dish washing, cleaning or the like.  Simple babysitting for a few hours in the morning, afternoon or evening while the parents are away.  Think about this and let us know your reaction.

Give our regards to everyone there,
Virginia, Sonny I & II

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