Sunday, June 12, 2011

Letter to Francis Postelle from Ora Smith January 17, 1960

Dear Cousin Francis

I sure was proud to get your letter and the record of all your findings  I had forethough enough and had found out things about my fathers people but my mother said very little about them and I never dreamed I would want to know about them in later life.  When I visited your mother and all the folks last summer I got some old letters that they has which my father had written to his sister when we were children.  His baby sister was your mothers mother as you know.  I was so happy to get them, I had never seen fathers handwriting as he passed away when I was five years old.  I am the only one of my family living now.  Do you think if some one was to go to some of the places they lived that they would find out any more about them.

I am sending you the old Bible that I have, it was my grandmother Jones or that is what my mother told me, so take care of it and send it back to me when your through with it.  Keep it as long as you need it.

Also I am sending the pictures of both familied, the uncles and aunts I have written on them all I know if you can send them back when you are through with them also.  I hope they will be of some help to you.

Yes I had a wonderful Christmas!  I went to California to see my two granddaughters that live there.  I went with my daughter and her husband.  Both families are going overseas in February one goes to Kinowa and the other one goes to Spain.

Well as there is no other news I guess I will close, thanking you again and hope you will learn something from the pictures and Bible that I mite have overlooked.

With best of wishes for a good new year,
Your Cousin
Ora Smith

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