Sunday, June 12, 2011

Letter to Vessie Lambert Postelle from her son Francis on April 23, 1959

Dear Mother
I have been searching every time I could to find out more about the history of your grandfather and finally I have run into some information which I think you will find interesting.  I found him in Cherokee County, Georgia (about 40 miles north of Atlanta) in 1850.  Next to him lived his father and mother and here is the listing:

NAME                             AGE/SEX   OCCUPATION   BIRTHPLACE
David C Lambert              26   M        Farmer                  Georgia
Mary A Lambert               30  F                                        SC
John C Lambert                  6  M                                      GA
Francis M Lambert             3  F                                        GA
Sarah M Lambert               1  F                                        GA
Jeremiah Lambert             50  M          Farmer                  GA
Sarah Lambert                 51  F                                         GA
Joseph Lambert               19  M                                        NC
Rebecca Lambert            16  F                                         GA
Sampsea N Lambert        10  M                                       GA

So your grandmother was named Mary A and your great grandfather was Jeremiah and your great grandmother was Sarah.  Note here too that your uncle John C was the eldest, your aunts Francis M and Sarah M were next.  The children living with your great grandparents are your great uncles and great aunts.  Note too that your grandfather was born in 1824.  Your great grandfather was born on 1800.

Cherokee County is a long way from Macon Ga where you think that your father was born.  Do you have anything that would show his place of birth?  It is not important but interesting.  Maybe this cousing that you spoke of might have your grandfathers family bible.

I have not found your Lambert family in the 1860 Genes, but they probably had moved and I have just not ran across it yet.  Maybe later, but I did find your grandfathers and Uncle John's Civil War recors and here it is in brief:

David C. Lambert - Private, Captain Ellis Company (later became CO F 45th Regiment Alabama Infantry)  Mustered in with the above company at Blountsville, Alabama, April 10, 1862 age of 38 for a period of 3 years or during the war.  He was captured at Spottlsyvania Coutt Eause (north of Richmond Va) May 9, 1864.  He was exchanged Feb 13, 1865 along with 2051 ohter prisoners of war at James Eater, Geres Landing Virginia.

John C Lambert, Private, Captain Ellis Company (later CO F 45th Regiment Alambama Infantry) Mustered into service with his company ar Blountsville, Alabama, on April 10, 1862 age of 13 for a period of 3 years or during the war.  Captured September 30, 1862 and exchanged October 25, 1862.  Wounded Oct 26, 1862 near Richmond Virginia and wounded again January 16,1863.  He was with General RObert E Lee at the Surrender at Appemattex Court House, Virginia April 9, 1865.

To be continued.......

Evidently your grandmother had died, because we next find David C in WInston County Alabama in 1850.  Next to him lived John C Lambert and family.

Name             Age/Sex    Occupation     Born
David C Lambert  56 M       Farmer         GA
Nancy C Lambert  38 F       Wife           ALA
Eveline Lambert     F       Daughter       ALA
Zedy Lambert     10 M       Son            ALA
Andrew F Lambert  8 M       Son            ALA
Mareda Lambert    6 M       Son            ALA
Clareda Lambert   4 M       Son            ALA
Lemuel C Lambert  2 M       Son            ALA
Claretta Lambert  1/2 F     Daughter       ALA
John C Lambert   36 M       Farmer         GA
Permelia V Lambert 30 F     wife           ALA
Francis F Lambert  6 M      Son            ALA
Nathaniel Lambert  4 M      Son            ALA
Mary N Lambert   Born 1878  Daughter       ALA
Sarah B Lambert  Born 1882  Daughter       ALA
Indianna R Lambert    1888  Daughter       ALA

Believe I had already told you that I found your father William Carson Lambert and his brothers Joseph and David working on farms in Kaufman County Texas in 1850.  Not far away was your mother Mary B Jones and her brother william M Jones living on a farm with their uncle William B Knowles and his wife Sarah J, daughter Othela V, sons ALbert T, Enoch N and Gilbert, and their grandmother (your great grandmother Mary B Knowles)

Mary B Knowles was born in 1820 in Tenn, I found records where David C Lambert Homesteaded on 160 acres of land in WInston County Ala in 1873.  When he submitted the final papers in 1881 he state "Myself, my wife and 8 children have resided and cultiveted the land over since the date of entry in April 1873.  He had on it one dwelling house, one smoke hourse, one corn crib, and one small mill house.

On July 2 1907 a Mr. L J Reed wrote to the US Lead Occices, Washington DC inquiring about some papers on the land.  He said "I bought the land eight years ago from D C Lambert and before I got the patent Mr Lambert died.  Do David C Lambert must have died about 1899 or 1900.  Also note that he (David C) mentions 8 children in his Nove 26, 1881 final papers on the land.  Since he had only 7 at the time of the censis of June 16, 1880 and the youndgest was then one month old, they had another child born in 1881.  These 8 were half brothers and sisters to your father, William Carson.  We knew of 3 full brothers and 2 sisters.  This makes a total of 14 children for David C Lambert, and there may be more.

I am anxious to know what you hear from your Uncle John C Lambert's daughter Anna Lambert Lathm.  Possibly she has her (and your) grandfathers old family bible with family records in it.  If so I sure would like to get a hold of it to copy the information.  Or at least I'd like to get a copy of all the information in it.

You mentioned that your cousin Ora (evidently daughter of William B Knowles) has a bible that had belonged to her grandmother (Mary N Knowles) with family records in it.  I sure would like to get to copy that information.  If she would consend to mail tome by registered US Mail I will pay for it and return it undamaged the same way.  If not, I would a t least like to get a copy of EVERY BIT of the family recorded in it.  Some of it may seem unimportant, but it all adds up.  Will you ask her if she iwll do these things?  And please send me the name and address of both of these cousins.  I might write to them.

I am sending you some copies of this letter which you may want to send and give to your brothers and sisters.  I would type them, but I am swamped with work, I am sending sis a copy too.

I feel that we have not exhausted by any means all the information still available concerning the early Lamberts.  And I have not given up on your grandfather Jones.  The information is available if we can just uncover it.

Some that is in here I think I have alreads sent to you but thought it might be worthwhile to show it all here together.

                         Francis Postelle

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