Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1973 Newsletter of the Lambert/Lamberth Association

I thought that some of you might find this interesting.  This newsletter was interesting to me for several reasons, one being that page 3 is all about our family.  I have actually spoken to one of the Brownds but he doesn't have any of the information that was being researched by Helen.  Another reason is that there is an article that comes from Douglasville Texas and that is only about 20 minutes from where I sometimes lay my head at night in Hughes Springs!  I dont know any of the Lamberts there and ran into a dead end when I reasearched that.  I dont know for sure but I am guessing that Phillip Postelle recieved this letter from Helen when he was researching as I know he coresponded with her and he is the one that gave me the newsletter.

Leon and Naydene Lambert

Leon and Naydene, I dont know the age of this picture but it was early in their life together.  They were married on February 16, 1950.

                           One of Mom and Dad (Leon and Naydene) later in their life together.

The last anniversary that they celebrated on this earth.  February 16,1992.  Dad passed away on February 23, 1992.  What an awesome set of parents!  Miss them everyday.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jack Creek Cemetery Clean up

Awesome day!  Approximately 30 members of the Lambert Family made an all day outing of cleaning the Jack Creek Cemetery where William Carson Lambert is buried.  It was a great day, hard work, good times, wonderful family!  I am pretty sure he would be proud of his family!  The cemetery was totally covered in vines and under brush.  Some if the brush was 2 inches in diameter (TREES)  You could not get to any of the graves in the cemetery so we just started chopping, clipping, weed eating and we finally found the graves.  You really should take a trip there one day,  call me I will meet you there!  I love to go.

Yep someone was in there chopping away to get this area cleared out......

Yes this is where William Carson Lambert is buried and it is before the crew arrived to work!

A girl on a mission, my granddaughter helping clean  the cemetery of her great great great grandpa!

Some of the cleaning crew at William Carson Lambert's grave 2010.  Clark Rhyne and his family.

Catie, she was putting out bread crumbs (I mean ribbons) so the crew could find their way to the cemetery, yes it really is hard to find and if you don't know where you are going you could get lost in them there hills for a long time!!!!

Amy and Lisa Lambert at their great great grandpa's grave.  They worked hard swinging axes and pulling vines and we were so glad to have them there for the day.

I guess I am a sucker for the old days.  I love to go to Nashoba to visit this little old forgotten cemetery where my great grandpa is buried.  Once you make it to Antlers and you think you have gone to the end of civilization, you just keep on going.

Now I have to think about it this way,  I was told that William Carson did not like being around a lot of people and that he loved being out in the hills.  So when I travel there I think about what it was like when he lived there with his kids, one of which was my wonderful grandpa.  I was given directions and Ron and I headed out to see if we could find it and we drove and drove and we were in the sticks (the movie deliverance comes to mind) and finally we see a car.  I said lets ask them if they know where it is and Ron is like....they wont know.   God was with us and this nice young man says "sure I know where it is, follow me".  We do and we start to worry when he pulls off the road (one lane, dirt) and opens a gate to a pasture.  We follow, and we come to the edge of some woods, we go down a small hill, over a creek and begin to come up to the top of the hill.  (Yes we are still worried)  Finally we come to the top of a hill and see nothing but a wall of woods and brush and a man on a horse.  We get out and stomp around in the brush and finally we find William Carson Lambert's grave.  I was so excited!  That was my first trip.

I must mention that William Carson Lambert buried his wife and one son in Greer County Oklahoma in the Brinkman Cemetery in 1909 and then traveled all the way back to Nashoba with the rest of his kids and he remained there until his death in 1922.

Well after talking to some family and finding out more directions.  We leave the cemetery (oh yea you need a truck big time) and we go the way that we assume they would have drove the wagon to bring Grandpa to his final resting place on this earth.  It wasn't a road, it was barely a trail but we go on and we pass cattle, and all kinds of wild life and low and behold we end up at the river in the near vicinity where grandpa raised his kids. (The Old Marley Fish Camp) Where my grandpa was raised, the river where they probably bathed, fished, washed their clothes, the woods where they probably hunted their food.  We got out and walked the river and listened to the wildlife and just went back in time to where that old mountain man raised one of the most awesome men that I ever knew, Chester Reed Quincy Lambert (my grandpa).  That man must have been great because he passed down some awesome traits to my grandpa on to my Dad and right on down the line. 

I have heard some stories from other family members that I will add later in this blog,  I hope I didn't bore you but if you ever find the need to clear your mind and go back in time, give me a holler and we will take a trip to Nashoba Oklahoma USA!!!

Chester Leon Lambert & Jimmy

I love this picture of my Dad, he was always working on something. 

Lambert family - miscellaneous photos

Grandpa (Chester Reed Quincy Lambert) holding Chester Leon Lambert,  must have been Easter of 1932. 

Looks like Joe (?) getting Chester Leon Lambert ready for some big event.  What a couple of handsome guys!

Lola Lambert holding Tommy, Ruth Lambert holding Allen and Naydene Lambert holding Jimmy, summer of 1952.

I am betting some of you know these guys.  Pretty Cute!  Allen and Jimmy Lambert.

Mary Lee Lambert Swearengin and Patsy Ann Lambert, taken in Choctaw Oklahoma 1958 or 1959.

Lambert Family

This is the best copy I have of this picture.  :-(   Looks like Art in uniform, Grandpa next to him, and Joe to the far right.  Leon in front of Art, Grandma next to him holding Mary, Betty in front of Joe and Wayne in the very front.  I have no idea of the date.

Art, Leon (Chester) and Joe Lambert

This picture is pretty cute!  L to R   Arthur (Art) Chester (Leon) and Joe Lambert.  I cant tell you where it was taken but it must have been taken in the early fall of 1931.